
Approving & Verifying Documented Information

This QMSCAPA User Tip applies to the Document Control Module, and focuses on an alternate method of approving and verifying documents without using the QMSCAPA document change log and electronic approval journal.

  • Open a document control record form the Document Control Index or the Document Tree.
  • Go to Tab 2) Version Approval and History
    • #1) If any Required Approvals are checked, then uncheck these Required Approvals.
    • #2) Enter #1 into the [Verified] field.
    • #3) Check [Approval Verified] field.
    • #4) QMSCAPA will automatically place “Today’s Date” into the [Date Approved] field. Therefore, you may need to enter an appropriate [Date Approved]. Typically, the “Date Approved” should be prior to or equal to the [Effective Date] field.
    • #5) Go back to Tab 1) Document Description.
  • Return to Tab 1) Document Description
    • Check the [Use Alphanumeric] checkbox,
    • Verify the [Version Number] field version number matches the File-Naming-Convention (FNC) or by opening the document if the FNC does include the document version and effective date.
    • Verify the [Effective Date] field matches the effective date of the document attached and described in the Document Control Record.
    • Verify the contents in the [Document Status] field. If the document is approved and verified then select the appropriate Status. Example best practice, Approved, Uncontrolled when printed.
    • Select or enter the “Approved by Title” in the [Approved by Title] field.
  • Recommendation: Add a document description or purpose to the [Document Description/Purpose] field.