
QMSCAPA 2.25.4

We have completed many improvements for QMSCAPA to provide better performance when running inside a Windows Server with TSPLUS.

TSPLUS provides Remote Desktop Services through a secure connection with many modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

In addition to supporting multiple-concurrent users and multiple tenants in a Microsoft Remote Desktop Server, QMSCAPA may be deployed using a Microsoft Server (2016R and higher) configured with TSPLUS.

This configuration provides a very high performance and stable working environment through the HTML5 architecture that works in all modern browsers.

Windows 2022 Server, TSPLS, Google Chrome, QMSCAPA 2.23.1

QMSCAPA Cloud Services

Welcome to the QMSCAPA Cloud Services

The QMSCAPA application has been designed to run in Microsoft Windows, whether in a local Windows PC, Cloud PC, or Server, Virtual Machine or a Windows Server with Remote Desktop Services.

Also, these Microsoft Windows applications allow users to connect with devices using Apple and, or Android operating systems.

QMSCAPA running at

Using your favorite web browser:

  • 1) Select a host for the QMSCAPA Domain.
  • 2) Enter your assigned login, which becomes your first QMSCAPA login.
  • 3) Enter your password assigned by your Domain Administrator.
  • Select the HTML5 option.
  • Click on Login.

Completing the Login

Once you have successfully completed the login the Server Applications panel page will be displayed.

  1. This page may also be used to logoff
  2. Your Domain Administrator my provide direct access to QMSCAPA and other applications used by the Remote Desktop PC.

Starting QMSCAPA

Enter your Login and Password assigned by your Domain Administrator. The QMSCAPA login and passwords are not case sensitive.

Changing Password

To change your password select the Security menu option and the Change Password option.

User Defined Menu Option

QMSCAPA has four application navigational methods, which are:

  • A Text Menu across the top of the Windows frame.
  • An ICON option bar below the Text Menu. Hoover on these icons for the various tool tips that are available.
  • An Easy Start Menu (CtrlShiftM) that shows additional tool options with ICON and TEXT.
  • In addition, QMSCAPA includes a user defined menu option to allow users to create a floating panel for frequently used modules and tools. This option allows the user to select other menu options (not ICONs) that may be loaded into the panel
Activate the User Defined Menu (floating panel)
Navigate to any menu option the hold the Ctrl key and click on any menu item to add that item to the MENU.

Cloud PC Options

Your Domain Administrator may add one or more applications to the QMSCAPA host application panel.

The QMSCAPA host application panel can provide direct access to the Remote Desktop Computer and other applications.
  1. Logoff
  2. Select an Application
QMSCAPA may be started from the Desktop.

Browser File Options

Click on the “v” or “^” at the top of the browser window to drop down File Management and Full Screen options.


QMSCAPA 2.22.1

QMSCAPA Root Cause Analysis tool built-in to the Corrective Action module

Important enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.22.1) and is available for download from


Quality Monitoring and Measurements

All of the Quality Monitoring and Measurements modules, browse tables and forms have been overhauled to simplify and streamline the entry and maintenance processes.

QMSCAPA Quality Measurements
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys based upon the “Ten Squared” method, which includes a criteria of 10 evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Key Performance Indicators for generic processes that can be applied to virtually any process.
  • Manufacturing and Production Quality Measurements.
  • On-time Delivery and Shipping Monitoring.
  • Purchasing Quality Measurements.
  • Monitoring for Sales and Contract Review Processes.
  • Quality Performance Dashboard for monitoring all Quality Objectives and other processes.
  • Supplier or Vendor Evaluations, based upon the “Ten Squared” method, which includes a criteria of 10 evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Question Sets

QMSCAPA 1) Customer Satisfaction Survey Question Sets
QMSCAPA Customer Satisfaction Survey Sets
QMSCAPA Customer Satisfaction Survey setting options
  1. On the tab 1) General – Questions 1 through 10 establish the survey focus and questions. The ‘Quantity of Questions to Use’ appears on the tab 2) Focus or Purpose of the Survey. This value can be from 1 to 10.
  2. Set the highest value for the criterion score. This value can be from 1 to 10.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Results

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Survey Sets, all user defined.
  2. Send a Customer Satisfaction Survey as a PDF or RTF document.

Key Performance Indicators

Process Key Performance Indicators

This generic measuring module may be applied to any process that should be monitor by key performance indicators (KPI).

  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Label Sets, all user defined. The Label Set is used to store information about what should be monitored and measured, which includes:
    • Label Set name.
    • A description of the methods of monitoring to be applied.
  2. The process to be monitor.
    • The frequency of monitoring, and/or accumulation of information.
    • An option to identify a product or service identifier.
  3. Label Options:
    • Label #1 is the Gross Amount Value of the process execution or production.
      • Label #2 is a value a defect or nonconformance that is subtracted from the Gross Amount; example, an internal issue.
      • Label #3 is a value a defect or nonconformance that is subtracted from the Gross Amount; example, an external issue.
      • Label #4 is a value a defect or nonconformance that is subtracted from the Gross Amount; example, a specific issue.
        • Optionally, the values of Label 2, 3, and 4 may be used to “add to the Gross Amount”; example, in process corrections or rework that may have occurred during they same data accumulation period (shift, day, batch, etc.)

Manufacturing/Production (Product Acceptance/Conformity)

Manufacturing/Production Acceptance/Conformity Monitoring
  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Labels Sets, all user defined.
  2. Select a Product/Service monitored.
  3. The Label Set defines the focus of the issues measured.

On-time Delivery

On-time Delivery Monitoring
  1. Select a formula for the determining “on-time delivery”.
    • SBD vs ASD Formula
      • SBD (Ship by Date), is the date promised to the customer for the outbound shipping process.
      • ASD (Actual Ship Date), is the date of the actual shipping date to the customer.
    • CDD vs ARD Formula
      • CDD (Customer Due Date), also referred as the “Customer Dock Date”, is a customer requirement.
      • ARD (Actual Received Date), is the date the “customer actually received the product/service ordered”.
  2. Date of the Order.
  3. Ship by Date.
    • Actual Ship Date
    • Customer Due Date
    • Actual Received Date
  4. Early, On-time, and Late shipments are calculated.

Purchasing/Supplier Performance

  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Labels Sets, all user defined.
  2. Select a Supplier/Vendor monitored.
  3. The Label Set defines the focus of the issues measured.

Root Cause Analysis

The QMSCAPA “Fault Tree Analysis” tool is built right inside the QMSCAPA software module for Corrective Actions.

  • The main “Problem” in the CAPA record becomes the main event at the top of the diagram or worksheet to be developed.
  • One or more team members can login to QMSCAPA to record thoughts and ideas about what may have contributed to the problem.
  • The first-level of causes above the main event form the fault tree Aspects branches.
  • Within each “Aspect branch” one or issues may identify more specific issues that contribute to the “the “Problem” as a percentage of the total contribution.
  • These “aspect issues” become the “Aspect Issues branches” at the different aspect or causes to determine whether it is a basic cause or the result of underlying causes.
  • As underlying causes are identified, record the theoretical probability of the “aspect issue branch” as a percentage of the cause.
  • The “total percentage” from all “aspect issues” should always be 100% when the root cause analysis is completed.

Sales and Customer Related

Sales and Customer Related Monitoring
  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Labels Sets, all user defined.
  2. Select a Contract or Sales Order Id.
  3. The Label Set defines the focus of the issues measured.

Supplier/Vendor Evaluations

Supplier/Vendor Evaluations

Supplier or Vendor Evaluations, based upon the “Ten Squared” method, which includes a criteria of 10 evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10.

  1. Select from 1 to 9999 Labels Sets, all user defined.
  2. Select a Supplier/Vendor Id.
  3. The Label Set defines the focus or criteria evaluated.


Purchasing Processes

The Purchasing Processes module provides a method for managing purchasing transactions, which incudes:

  1. Request for Quotes (RFQ) sent to suppliers;
  2. Internal request for Request for Purchase Orders (RFPO);
  3. Purchase Orders issued to suppliers;
  4. Receiving and Inspection Reports.
QMSCAPA software module for Purchasing Processes

In the imagine above:

  1. Use the button [Apply the Transaction Id to the Reference Id] to copy the Transaction Id to the Reference Id field.
  2. Use the button [Apply Date + Time to Reference Id] to the Reference Id field as “Reference Id:#YYMMDD-HHMMSS”.
  3. The button [Ship Via Id] allow the user to lookup and select the shipping company and/or add more shipping companies.

QMSCAPA 2.18.11

Important additions, enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.18.10) and is available for download from

Added New Features

  • New Reports for the Purchasing Processes module
  • New ‘copy a record‘ feature for the Purchasing Transactions [Requested by User Group].
QMSCAPA Purchasing Processes module


Human Resources module

  • Human Resource module, added Employee “hire date” and “end date”. [Requested by User Group].

Process Key Performance Monitoring

  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) table and reports; Added a “Bi-Annual Record Type” to the Label Set for monitoring and measurements of process. [Requested by User Group].
QMSCAPA Process KPI module

Supplier / Vendor Evaluation module

QMSCAPA Supplier / Vendor Evaluations
  1. Table showing Suppliers and Vendors
  2. Table showing evaluations for the supplier Chevrolet
  3. Reports for Suppliers and Evaluations


  • KPI Report for (All).
QMSCAPA, KPI menu option
QMSCAPA, KPI Report for (all) Label Sets.
  • HR Reporting by Department, updated the header records.
  1. Report a Human Resource (HR) record for the selected person.
  2. Report all active HR.
  3. Report all HR by Department order.
  4. Report HR “authorized permission” for the selected person, including:
    1. Environment
    2. Health & Safety
    3. Information Security
    4. Location
  5. Report Training completed by HR.
  6. Report Training completed for the selected Resource.

QMSCAPA 2.17.2

Important additions, enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.17) and is available for download from

Added New Features

  • A Controlled Document Table has been linked to the Process Description.
  • Added three new Process Maps for Process Planning and Auditing.
QMSCAPA software module for Process Descriptions and Interactions
  • 1) The window tab row includes access to the Process Activities;
  • 2) The Sources of Input;
  • 3) Input +Documents, including a Primary Document and;
  • 4) Any other additional documents can added to the table.


  • Enhanced the Training Program elements (syllabus) table by adding a lookup table of commonly used syllabus elements.


  • Primary Document link from the Training Program to the Controlled Document Table.

Process Planning Module

In the ISO 9001:2015 International Standard, among other (Aerospace, Automotive, and ISO) Standards, promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing, and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

Specific requirements considered essential to the adoption of a process approach are included in ISO 9001:2015, section 4.4. Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results.

This approach enables the organization to control the interrelationships and interdependencies among the processes of the system, so that the overall performance of the organization can be enhanced.

Also, the process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the quality policy and strategic direction of the organization.

The application of the process approach in a quality management system enables:

  • understanding and consistency in meeting requirements;
  • the consideration of processes in terms of added value;
  • the achievement of effective process performance;
  • improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information.
QMSCAPA module for Planning Process

In the image above:

  1. Show the QMSCAPA Process Table list.
  2. The Process Named ‘Customer Service’ is open in the Process & Subprocess Window.
  3. Process & Subprocess Window contains seven tabbed sections, which are:
    1. Process Activity;
    2. Sources of Input;
    3. Input, plus a table with controlled documented information;
    4. Output;
    5. Receivers of Output;
    6. Sub-processes (table of subprocess)
    7. Related Clauses from a Management System Standard, (e.g., ISO 9001:2015).
Access to Process Planning module

Sources of Input, Input and Documented Information

2) Sources of Input
3) Input and Documented Information

Output, and Receivers of Output

4) Output from Activities
5) Receivers of Output


6) Subprocess

Standard Clauses related to the Process Plan

7) Related Clauses

Process Planning Report

Report Builder Table of Forms and Reports
Sample report for QMSCAPA software Process Planning module



QMSCAPA 2.16.12

Important additions, enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.16.12) and is available for download from

Added New Features

  • Training Program Documents Report, which list all documents and materials that are associated with a Training Program.


  • 8D window form and layout
  • Corrective Action Reports
  • Integration with Microsoft Office,
    • including Excel, Word, Outlook 
  • Import from Excel for External Monitoring
  • Print Documentation Manual (Plan for QMS) from the Document Control Index; selected by Department or Standard.
  • Printer & Report Previewer
  • Process Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reporting
  • Risk and Opportunity assessments for relevant interested parties
  • Training Scheduled and Completed Reports
  • User-defined Guidance


  • Customer Satisfaction trend report
  • On-time Shipping trend report
  • Relevant Interested Parties (All) report

Changing Window Text

AnyText allows a user to change the text in a QMSCAPA Window at runtime. Most of the visible text, including Window Captions, Prompts, Buttons and so on can be translated.

This allows a Supervisor User to create multi-language or special vernacular versions of QMSCAPA application.

It also allows users to change terminology inside a program, even if they are using the same language. This helps to make the program more familiar to users. For example in some countries you would use a ZIP CODE in an address, whereas in others this is known as a POSTAL CODE.

Printing a Document or Manual from the Document Control Index (DCI)

The Default Document/Manual report template was updated to include more “user-defined” information, which may appear inside the DCI and any document grouped defined by a user, such as by category, type, and standard.

Select the Document Tree from the main text menu
  • Print a “Manual” from the Document Control Index (DCI) or Document Tree
QMSCAPA Document Tree may include the document version and approval history.
  • [A] Select a “group” of documents by a category (Quality Management, Safety Manual, etc.) or Management System Standard (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, etc.)
  • [B] All of the information recorded in the DCI may be reported in the document generated.
  • [C] A Global Unique Indentifier (GUID) may be assigned to each document generated and, or printed. Also, the user may create a version identifier.
  • [D] Print/report the Document Tree as a “manual”.
Sample “Document or Manual” generated by the QMSCAPA DCI.
  • [1] The document identifier, and title appear as a document section or chapter.
  • [2] The document “hyperlinks” appear inside the manual and may remain active when printed or saved with a compatible PDF software application like Adobe Acrobat and others.
  • [3] Optionally, the version and approval history may be included.

Updated the Monitoring and Measurement Device Module

  • Enhance the Calibration and Maintenance Journal.
  • Improved the User-defined Date control and comments field, which are also available on the report templates.
  • Enhanced the equipment and machinery reports.

Added New Features

  • Training Program Documents Report, which list all documents that are associated with a Training Program.


  • 8D window form and layout
  • Corrective Action Reports
  • Integration with Microsoft Office,
    • including Excel, Word, Outlook 
  • Import from Excel for External Monitoring
  • Print Documentation Manual (Plan for QMS) from the Document Control Index; selected by Department or Standard.
  • Printer & Report Previewer
  • Process Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reporting
  • Risk and Opportunity assessments for relevant interested parties
  • Training Scheduled and Completed Reports
  • User-defined Guidance


  • Customer Satisfaction trend report
  • On-time Shipping trend report
  • Relevant Interested Parties (All) report

Applying Post-treatment RPN

Risk Assessment Aspect Form


In the imgae above:

  1. Select a Risk Aspect from the Risk Aspect Table inside the Risk Assement Form.
  2. Select Tab 2) of the Risk Aspect form.
  3. Evaluate and score the Risk Aspect Risk Priority Number (RPN) based upon existing or pre-treatment status.
  4. Determine the appropriate methods of control to treat or reduce the threats. Summarize the methods for treatement in a treatment plan and update the RPN scoring once the treatment plan has been implemented.
  5. To apply the the post mitigation treatment RPN then check the [ ] Apply RPN Post Mitigation Actions checkbox and clicking on the form update button.
  6. The RPN is toggled from pre-treatment and post-treatment by checking or unchecking the [ ] Apply RPN Post Mitigation Actions checkbox and clicking on the form update button.

QMSCAPA 2.15.1

Important enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.15.1) and is available for download from

Internal Audit Planning

Enhanced the Internal Audit module

The Internal Audit module is designed to asist with the planning and record keeping to provide information on whether the management system a) conforms to:

  1. the organization’s own requirements for its quality management system;
  2. the requirements of this International Standard;

b) is effectively implemented and maintained.

More about QMSCAPA Internal Audit Planning module

Process Description and Mapping

Enhanced the Process Description and Mapping module

The Process Description and Mapping module is designed to assist with establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improve a management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.

More about QMSCAPA Process Description and Mapping module



Copying Performance Dashboard Record

The Performance Dashboard Table includes a [Copy Record] button control to allow an existing record to be copied for changing a new date range. For example, you may wish to preserve the prior year record and establish the current with a new date range.

QMSCAPA Performance Dashboard Table
  1. Begin by selecting (highlight bar) the record in the table that you want to copy.
  2. Click on the Copy Record button and the new record will appear in the table. The new record copy will appear just below the original.
  3. Highlight the new record copy and click on the [Edit] button control.
QMSCAPA Performance Dashboard Form
  • A) Change the Dashboard Name for the new record.
  • B) Change the Start and End dates as appropriate.
  • C) The Dates may be locked by the Label Set and therefore you may need to open the Label Set record to change the dates on the Dashboard form.
  • D) Unlock the record if the changes cannot be saved.
  • E) Also, the Label Set may pervent you from changing the Dashboard Name and and therefore you may need to open the Label Set record to uncheck the option [ ] Label Set controls Dashboard Name.

Click here to learn more about QMSCAPA Performance Dashboard controls and options.


QMSCAPA 2.14.11

Important enhancements and fixes have been made in a new release of QMSCAPA™ (version 2.14.11) and is available for download from

Enhanced the Monitoring & Measurement Device module

The Monitoring and Measuring Device module is designed to assist with the control of monitoring and measuring resources to ensure that the resources remain suitable for:

  • the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being undertaken;
  • are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for their purpose, and;
  • the organization retains appropriate DOCUMENTED INFORMATION as evidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources.

This enhancement includes includes enhancements to the calibration and maintenance journal.

Enhanced the Customer Feedback module

The Customer Feedback module is used to accumulate feedback from customers, which includes complaints and compliments. This tool was recently enhanced to streamline data entry and simplify the windows. Also, this release includes an improvement for the Customer Feedback range reports. More about Customer Feedback

Enhanced the Interested Party module

The Relevant Interested Party (RIP) module is designed to assist the organization with monitoring and reviewing information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements. In addition, this tool is designed to identify the potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. This release improves the direct RIP information linked to and interactive with the Risk Assessment module. More about RIPs

Enhanced the Nonconformance Reporting module

The Nonconformance Reporting module is designed to assist with the control of conformance information, which includes DOCUMENTED INFORMATION that:

  • describes the nonconformity;
  • describes the actions taken;
  • describes any concessions obtained;
  • identifies the authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity.

This tool was recently enhanced to streamline data entry and simplify the organization of the window and tabs. More about control of nonconforming output

Enhanced the on-screen control of date field presentations.

Press the Ctrl+F10 Key to open the Translation Window

QMSCAPA has a hidden feature to allow a user to edit the on-screen field prompts for support of alternate date formats, languages and vocabulary.

This feature allows a user to change the text in QMSCAPA during use, including:

  • All visible text
  • Window Captions, Prompts
  • Buttons and so on can be translated
  • Changing the Date Picture (or representation) of the contents of date fields

Press Ctrl+F10 keys to access the on-screen prompt editor. More about editing window field prompts and date fields