
Applying Post-treatment RPN

Risk Assessment Aspect Form


In the imgae above:

  1. Select a Risk Aspect from the Risk Aspect Table inside the Risk Assement Form.
  2. Select Tab 2) of the Risk Aspect form.
  3. Evaluate and score the Risk Aspect Risk Priority Number (RPN) based upon existing or pre-treatment status.
  4. Determine the appropriate methods of control to treat or reduce the threats. Summarize the methods for treatement in a treatment plan and update the RPN scoring once the treatment plan has been implemented.
  5. To apply the the post mitigation treatment RPN then check the [ ] Apply RPN Post Mitigation Actions checkbox and clicking on the form update button.
  6. The RPN is toggled from pre-treatment and post-treatment by checking or unchecking the [ ] Apply RPN Post Mitigation Actions checkbox and clicking on the form update button.